Put your money to work making the world a better place

Zora Direct allows you to earn 4-8% interest by investing in Municipal Bonds with huge social impact.

For over 200 years, municipal bonds have been a cornerstone of American infrastructure.

They've financed everything from schools and roads to bridges and airports. Cities and states sell these bonds to raise money for public projects, and investors buy them for potential tax-free interest. It's a way for communities to grow and improve with the help of people's investments.

What would you like to fund?

Our mission is to give regular people the chance to help build something that they can actually see – and make money along the way.

Zora Direct offers a unique opportunity to invest in municipal bonds and contribute to the growth and development of your community. Our platform simplifies the process of investing in these tax-exempt securities, making it accessible to individuals of all financial backgrounds.

How it works

  • Select a category and invest in a muni bond through Zora Direct.

  • The city, state or district uses your money to fund public projects.

  • Watch your daily interest grow as the government pays you back.

Our story

Our team came together to help fund the clean energy transition. After decades in the tech industry, we just wanted to do something that would actually make the world a better place.

Make money investing in your community.